Best Settings

Apex Legends Pro Settings and Gear List

Here is the ultimate list of all professional Apex Legends players and streamers, as well as their current team, gear, and settings on Apex Legends.

DizzyBenQ ZOWIE XL2546Ducky One 2 – Mini RGBFinalMouse Ultralight 2Sennheiser HD 598 SRArtisan FX Zero MidZotac GeForce RTX 2080 Ti100
MendokusaiiASUS VG248QELogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G403Logitech G933 WirelessLogitech G640NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti99
DrDisRespectBenQ XL2546KROCCAT Vulcan 122 AIMOROCCAT Kain 200 AIMOTurtle Beach Atlas AeroROCCAT Sense AIMO98
ImperialHalDell Alienware AW2518HLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseASTRO Gaming A50Logitech G640Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FE96
SeagullASUS ROG Swift PG258QCooler Master MasterKeys Pro M White LEDLogitech G PRO HeroSennheiser HD 598 SRBenQ ZOWIE G-SRNVIDIA GeForce GTX 108095
VissASUS ROG Swift PG258QLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseASTRO Gaming A40 TRLogitech G640 TSM EditionNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti93
AlbralelieBenQ XL2411ZLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseLogitech G Pro Gaming HeadsetLogitech G64091
AceLG 27GN750-BDucky One 2 Horizon TKLFinalMouse Ultralight 2Apple EarPodsBenQ ZOWIE G-SRNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FE
BcJAcer GN246HLBenQ ZOWIE EC2-BSennheiser Game ONENVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
CaliDell Alienware AW2518HVortexgear Race 3Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseAlienware AW988ZOWIE G-SR-SE
CasperASUS ROG Swift PG278QRHyperX Alloy FPS RGBSteelSeries Rival 710HyperX Cloud IIGlorious XXLNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
ChappieBenQ ZOWIE XL2540HyperX Alloy FPS ProLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseHyperX Cloud AlphaHyperX Fury S Speed Cloud9 EditionEVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FTW3
Chaziiyama ProLite E2483HS-B3Logitech G510sLogitech G402Corsair HS60Razer GigantusNvidia GeForce GTX 1060
chipzyBenQ XL2411ZRazer BlackWidow EliteBenQ ZOWIE FK1HyperX Cloud IIBenQ ZOWIE G-SR
clawzBenQ ZOWIE XL2546HyperX Alloy FPS RGBLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseSteelSeries Arctis ProZOWIE G-SR-SE
CouRageBenQ XL2411PRazer BlackWidow Chroma V2Razer DeathAdder V2Razer BlackShark V2Logitech G840NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
CrozzoveRAcer Predator XB241HDucky One 2 – Mini RGBHyperX Pulsefire SurgeASTRO Gaming A40EVGA GeForce RTX 2070
cYpheRBenQ XL2411ZHyperX Alloy FPS RGBSteelSeries Rival 110SteelSeries Arctis 7 2019 EditionHyperX FURY S Pro XL
DaequanLG 24GM79G-BLogitech G613Logitech G600Logitech G Pro Gaming HeadsetLogitech G840NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
dcopBenQ ZOWIE EC1-A
dellorSteelSeries APEX M750Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseSteelSeries Arctis ProSteelSeries QcK LargeNvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FE
DiegosaursViewSonic XG2560Logitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G Pro Wireless TSM EditionLogitech G Pro XLogitech G640 TSM EditionNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
DrLupoASUS ROG Swift PG279QLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G Pro WirelessLogitech G Pro XLogitech G PowerplayMSI GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
DroppedLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G Pro X SuperlightHyperX Cloud IILogitech G640EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
dummyASUS VG248QELogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G403Razer Kraken TESteelSeries QcK+NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
EncleBenQ XL2420TLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardBenQ ZOWIE FK2Razer Kraken Pro V2BenQ ZOWIE G-SR
FlankerASUS VG248QECorsair K65Logitech G703HyperX Cloud IIGlorious XXL
GaedolBenQ XL2720Razer BlackWidow Chroma V2Logitech G903Sennheiser HD 600Gigabyte AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Xtreme Edition
GracefulViewSonic XG2401CORSAIR Strafe RGB MK.2Corsair Sabre – RGBCorsair Void Wireless SE RGB YellowCorsair MM300Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Fe
GregoLogitech G810 RGBLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseHyperX Cloud IIHyperX Fury S Speed Cloud9 Edition
HALBenQ ZOWIE XL2546Asus Rog ClaymoreASUS ROG Gladius IILogitech G633Logitech G240NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
HardlyWinsASUS VG248QECorsair K70 RGB MK.2 SEFinalmouse Air58 Ninja CBR EditionLogitech G633Logitech G440
HusKersASUS ROG Swift PG258QCorsair K65 RGBLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseSennheiser HD 599Glorious 3XLASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 2080 TI
ImMadnessAcer KG271Corsair K70 RGB MK.2Razer DeathAdder EliteASTRO Gaming A40Zotac GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Jay3ASUS VG248QEHyperX Alloy FPS ProLogitech G403HyperX Cloud IIGlorious XL HeavyNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
JoolieASUS VG248QEDucky Miya Pro SakuraFinalmouse Air58 Ninja CBR EditionHyperX Cloud MixHyperX FURY S Pro XLAsus ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1080
JoshOGASUS VG248QESteelSeries APEX M750SteelSeries Rival 310SteelSeries Arctis ProSteelSeries QcK+EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 TI XC Ultra
JuanKoreaBenQ XL2411ZRazer BlackWidow ChromaLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseApple EarPodsLogitech G640NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
KatContiiAsus MG278QCORSAIR K65 LUX RGBFinalmouse Air58 NinjaASTRO Gaming A40 TRGigabyte AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
KingRichardASUS ROG Swift PG258QRazer BlackWidow TE Chroma V2FinalMouse Ultralight 2Sennheiser HD 800 SLogitech G640NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
KurtDell Alienware AW2518HDucky Shine 5Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseSennheiser HD 598BenQ ZOWIE G-SR
LAZXRBenQ ZOWIE XL2411PRazer BlackWidow TE Chroma V2Logitech G305HyperX Cloud IISteelSeries QcK XXLGigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
liftedASUS ROG Swift PG258QCorsair K65 RAPIDFIREFinalMouse Ultralight PhantomSennheiser HD 598Razer GigantusGigabyte GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
LowleyASUS VG248QERazer BlackWidow Chroma V2BenQ ZOWIE EC2-ALogitech G930Razer GigantusNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
LyndonFPSBenQ ZOWIE XL2411PRedragon K552Logitech G703Sennheiser HD 599MSI GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Trio
makataOAOC G2460PQULogitech G613Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseLogitech G935Logitech G PowerplayNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Mig_99HyperX Alloy FPS ProLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseHyperX Cloud FlightHyperX Fury S ProEVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FTW3
MlcakBenQ ZOWIE XL2411POzone Strike X30BenQ ZOWIE EC1-AHyperX Cloud AlphaSteelSeries QcK XXLNVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
MohrDell Alienware AW2518HDucky One 2 – Mini RGBLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseSennheiser HD 598 SRArtisan Hayate Otsu Soft XL
MonsoonDucky Miya Pro SakuraLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseHyperX Cloud FlightGlorious XXL WhiteNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
NdSASUS VG248QERazer BlackWidow Chroma V2Razer DeathAdder EliteSennheiser GSP 350Razer Goliathus SpeedNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
NeshASUS ROG Swift PG258QHyperX Alloy FPSLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseHyperX Cloud FlightBenQ ZOWIE G-SRNVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
NetworkzBenQ ZOWIE XL2411PLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseHyperX Cloud IIBenQ ZOWIE G-SRMSI GEFORCE GTX1080 TI ARMOR
notedBenQ ZOWIE XL2540Logitech G513Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseLogitech G533Logitech G640NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
oraxeBenQ ZOWIE XL2411PSteelSeries 6Gv2BenQ ZOWIE EC2-AHyperX Cloud IISteelSeries QcK+MSI GeForce GTX 1070
OverpoweredLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseHyperX Fury S Speed Cloud9 EditionEVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
PayneMSI Optix MAG24CDucky One 2 – Mini RGBLogitech G305 White EditionHyperX Cloud IISteelSeries QcK+
phantasyAOC AGON AG251FZLogitech G810 RGBLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseLogitech G933 WirelessLogitech G840NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
phodsSteelSeries Apex M750 TKLBenQ ZOWIE S2 Divina Version PinkSennheiser Game ONEBenQ ZOWIE G-SR-SE Divina Version PinkNVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 980 TI
pkmkBenQ XL2411ZHyperX Alloy FPS RGBHyperX Pulsefire FPS ProHyperX Cloud CoreNvidia GeForce RTX 2070
PVPXHP OMEN 25HyperX Alloy FPSHyperX Pulsefire FPS ProHyperX Cloud Alpha Cloud9 EditionHyperX Fury S Speed Cloud9 EditionEVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FTW3
RamsesOzone Gaming Strike BattleBenQ ZOWIE EC2-ABeyerdynamic DT 1770 ProSteelSeries QcK+ PUBG EditionNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
RealKraftyyBenQ Zowie XL2730Logitech G910Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseASTRO Gaming A50Logitech G640 TSM EditionMSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1080
retziBenQ XL2540Varmilo VA87M Moonlight WhiteFinalmouse Air58 Ninja CBR EditionLogitech G Pro Gaming HeadsetLogitech G640NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
RogueNZXT Noctis 450HyperX Alloy FPSFinalMouse Ultralight PhantomHyperX Cloud IIHyperX Fury S Speed EditionNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
rprAcer Predator XB2Logitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseSennheiser HD 599SteelSeries QcK HeavyNvidia GeForce RTX 2070
RustyMachineBenQ ZOWIE XL2411PCORSAIR Strafe RGB MK.2Logitech G305ASTRO Gaming A40Arozzi Arena Mouse PadEVGA GeForce GTX 1080
SellisASUS VG248QECorsair K70 RGB MK.2Finalmouse Air58 Ninja CBR EditionSteelSeries Siberia 650SteelSeries QcK XXLNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
SenzeehBenQ ZOWIE XL2740Massdrop CTRL Halo ClearFinalmouse Air58 Ninja CBR EditionSennheiser HD 598Artisan Shidenkai FX Mid XLEVGA GeForce GTX 1080 FTW
ShaiikoBenQ ZOWIE XL2546Logitech G ProLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseHyperX Cloud IILogitech G640NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
ShortYBenQ GW2470HOzone Strike Battle SpectraLogitech G305HyperX Cloud IISteelSeries QcK XXL
silkthreadASUS ROG Swift PG258QFilco Majestouch-2Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseSennheiser GAME ZEROSteelSeries QcK+NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
SolvefulBenQ ZOWIE XL2411PVortexgear Pok3rLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseGlorious 3XL
SphynxAOC G2460PFRazer Ornata ChromaLogitech G903Logitech G933 WirelessLogitech G PowerplayZOTAC GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
sprEEEzyLG 24GM79G-BCooler Master MasterKeys Pro S WhiteBenQ ZOWIE FK2Bose QC 20BenQ ZOWIE G-SRGigabyte AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Xtreme Edition
StormenBenQ XL2540HyperX Alloy Elite RGBLogitech G403 WirelessHyperX Cloud IISteelSeries QcK HeavyEVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
summit1gSamsung Odyssey G7Corsair K70 RGB MK.2Finalmouse Air58 Ninja CBR EditionAudio-Technica ATH-ADG1XCorsair MM500ASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 2080 TI
SweetdreamsAsus MG248QHyperX Alloy FPS ProRazer DeathAdder EliteASTRO Gaming A40
THumpASUS ROG Swift PG258QLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseASTRO Gaming A40Logitech G840NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
UnicornAcer Predator XB271HUCorsair K70 RGB MK.2Corsair GlaiveSennheiser HD 650Corsair MM800 PolarisNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
VaifsAsus VG278QRCooler Master Storm QuickFire Rapid-ILogitech G305QPAD QH-1339Razer Goliathus SpeedMSI GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
vsnzASUS ROG Swift PG258QLogitech G512Logitech G903Logitech G Pro X Gaming HeadsetLogitech G640
WACKOAOC AGON AG251FZVortexgear Pok3rLogitech G Pro Wireless Gaming MouseLogitech G Pro Gaming HeadsetLogitech G640EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FE
WattzASUS VG248QESteelSeries APEX M750SteelSeries Rival 310SteelSeries Arctis 5SteelSeries QcK+
ZerGDell Alienware AW2518HLogitech G903NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti

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